Alien Race Generator

Descriptions of alien races as complex as you like them, from simple appearance to a complete backstory!

  • For simple physical descriptions, choose 'Description.'
  • Choose 'Detail' to get a cultural snapshots and 'extras' for the race.
  • Choose 'Complete' to get a complete profile of the race and their place in the universe.

Other generators you may like: Alien Race Name Generator
Your Options:
The furred race. They throw incredible parties. Their government is a bureaucracy that is extremely corrupt. They work behind the scenes, uplifting other races. They have a rivalry with another race. Their world of origin is hot, resource-rich, and has three moons.
The deformed, gas-based, armored race. They seek any alliance, technology, or advantage that will benefit them. They are rapidly expanding out of their solar system.
The cumbersome race of turtle-creatures. Their greatest leaders were once pirates. Their society is split by gender - males and females are separate cultures. Their society is dependent on one technology: medicine. They are in decline. The different genders of the species are very distinct physically. They once came from another dimension.
The misshapen, crystalline, frog-like race. They are tough enough to survive in the vaccum of space. Biologically they are inclined to be explorers. Their bodies are so efficient they do not excrete. Their economy is dependent on one technology: psychology. Another race created them artificially.
The monstrous-looking, red-hided race. They are a race of entertainers. They have large litters. Their major advancements are in terraforming. Despite their intelligence, their speech is rather childlike. They are in decline. They are in possession of advanced technology from an ancient race. Their world of origin is desert-like and is known for having some particuarly unusual wildlife.
The diminutive race of canines. By tradition, they are a race of researchers. Their major advancements are in psychic technology. They are actually highly sophisticated machines created by another people.
The bulky race. Their greatest leaders were once warriors. Their major advancements are in weaponry. They are merciless towards the weak - even among their own species. Their government is functional. They are locked in an battle with age-old enemies. Their world of origin is desert-like and has three moons and a single ring surrounding it.
The enormous race that resembles the trolls of earth mythology. This race travels by wings. They are carnivores. Their economy is dependent on one technology: cloning. They are notoriously laid-back. They exist as wandering nomads.
The statuesque, yellow-scaled race. They can sense electromagnetic radiation. They have three highly specialized manipulatory limbs. They are omnivores, but prefer to be herbivores. They are a race of scavengers. They do not reproduce, but instead infect and transform other beings into new members of their species. They are masters of manufacturing. They are close relatives of another race, from whom they split over cultural differences ages ago. They come from a high-gravity, flourishing, resource-rich world that has no moon.
The graceful, plant-based race of felines. The most revered members of their society are explorers. They are easily addicted to certain substances. Their major technical achievements are in psychology. Their people have a tradition of very powerful martial arts. Their government is a meritocracy that is ethical in its own way. They control a solar system.


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