
Creates books and their descriptions. You can pick the category of book and it's subject, check a box for quality of information, and even select a chance for fascinating plot-enhancing extras!

Other generators you may like: Books (Extra) Books (Quality)
Your Options:

The Social Heirarchies of Unicorns
An Expose of the Kingdoms' Legendary Literary Truces
Cutlasses and Axes: A Discussion of Covert Use
Dissimilarities in the Dietary Habits of the Gorgon and the Ogre
Improved Necromancies for the Alchemist
The Child-Rearing Habits of The Chimera: A Study
The Creator God's Rituals
Longswords: A Guide To Variations
A Cyclops's Child-Rearing Habits: A New Study
Dark Arts for the Illusionist



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Seventh Sanctum™, the page of random generators.

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