The friendly toymaker who meddles in things Man was not meant to know.
The reluctant vampire who inexplicably ends up getting into romantic situations with the protagonist and who fights crime as a vigilante.
The loudmouthed opportunist with a heart of gold who is a bit wacky and who ends up with a harem of the opposite sex for no good reason.
The drunken old guy who seeks to defeat the Main Villain and who gives all they have to save the world.
The brutal master of hand-to-hand combat who seeks his reincarnated love.
The rare good member of an otherwise irredeemably evil race who is touched by destiny and who is rebuilt as a cyborg after a terrible accident.
The friendly alien whose actions make them a monster and who is friend to a giant city-smashing monster.
The prodigal with incredible power who is dangerously mis-informed.
The friendly toymaker who wants everything for their children and who selflessly protects the protagonist.
The adventurous captain who wants everything for their children.
The hard-nosed detective who discovers their heritage and destiny and who is dangerously mis-informed.
The boisterous and obnoxious antagonist who has a dual identity.
The powerful woman who came back from the grave.
The rough-and-tumble dwarven fighter who wields a mystic sword and who gets between close friends and ruins their relationships.
The rare good member of an otherwise irredeemably evil race who seeks to avenge the murder of his family and who only gets loud because they care.
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