Disease Generator

Names for diseases and assorted maladies, with an especially 'folk' feel. For cures . . . you may want to try some other generators.

Your Options:
Annihilating Fever
Bile Attack
Cat's Island Sickness
Crop Scalp
Dragon's Vomiting Ague
Feverish Pestillence
Ghastly Colon
Grand Doom Cough
Grand Steel Eyes
Island Colic
Lymphatic Heat
Madness Womb
Misery Leg
Mummy's Ulcer
Pig's Rose Gout
Pink Bule
Red Pox
Rock Upset
Sailor's Cramping Lung
Scarlet Desolation
Stone Boils
Ultimate Warped Plague
Unthinkable Bile
Ursine Lunacy
Zombie's Jaundiced Fits


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Seventh Sanctum™, the page of random generators.

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