Dragon Breed Generator

Creates names for Dragon Breeds. 'Earth-setting' will make names for breeds in an earth setting, such as Harry Potter or AU stories. 'General Fantasy' will produce general breed names.

Your Options:
Arabian Highwing Flyer
Armenian Bloody Bloodgout
Armenian Diver
Armenian Longfin
Atlantic Rockstorm Nester
Australian Hoarding Leaper
Brazilian Rage
Cantonese Bloodface
Chinese Shieldmouthed Greatjaw
Cold Needleshell
Digging Rocktorrent
Firetail Burrower
French Violet Sniffer
German Armorbeak
German Cold Bloodyjaw
Hungarian Gold Smalltalon
Malaysian High-diving Nightfury
Mexican Longfurred Bloodymaw
Nigerian Dark Stonecloud
Norwegian Ragewing
Pacific Armored
Stormcloud Diver
Thicktongue Tearer
Windcrest Tearer


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