Firearm Generator

New ideas and names for ranged weapons, from ideas that sound like standard firearms to exotic ray guns and the labors of mad scientists. You'll get a lot of diverse results, since firearms vary consierably in fact and fiction!

Other generators you may like: Swords Weapons
Your Options:
Assault Magnoequalizer
Chiller Equalizer
Crowd Control Exploder
Crowd Control Megabombadier Artillery
High-power Chiller Artillery
High-power Freezer
High-speed Demirifle
High-speed Shrapnel Ordinance
Multi-load Catalyzer Equalizer
Multi-load Microwave Pistol
Multi-shot Obliterator Mortar
Rapid-fire Restrainer
Rapid-fire Ripper Equalizer
Short-range Dynadestroyer Cannon
Short-range Equalizer Artillery
Short-range Exploder
Single-shot Gale Annihilator
Sniper Gravidisintegrator Mortar
Teleequalizer Magnum
Time Eliminator
Variable Demieliminator Rifle


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Seventh Sanctum™, the page of random generators.

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Seventh Sanctum(tm) and its contents are copyright (c) 2013 by Steven Savage except where otherwise noted. No infringement or claim on any copyrighted material is intended. Code provided in these pages is free for all to use as long as the author and this website are credited. No guarantees whatsoever are made regarding these generators or their contents.


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