Generates profiles for anime-style robots in a variety of popular themes, which really means
Gundam G type theme names with a theme.
Millitary Style names with numbers and makes.
Super Robot Style names meant to be colorful.
(Mobile Suit Gundam and similar terms are registered of Studio Sunrise and Bandai Entertainment (c) 1997-2005, and are used only for stylistic reference)
Photon King - This gundam fighter carries the Noble Laser and the Imperial Photonic Order. This war robot can adsorb laser attacks.
Gundam Boxer - This machine wields the Charging Blow.
Gundam Hawk - This robot carries the Interstellar Aerial Nova and the Astro Claw. This war robot is specially designed for outer-space operations.
Hot Gundam - This war robot uses the Incinerating Serpent Flamethrower. This fighting robot moves swiftly and is resistant to fire attacks.
Gundam Blade - This war machine uses the Slicing Chill and the Winter Rip. This fighting machine is resistant to the extremes of cold.
Gundam Anaconda - This war machine uses the Slither Wave and the Submarine Slither. This mobile fighter moves swiftly.
Blessed Gundam - This war robot is armed with the Many-Handed Strike and the Battler Heaven Knuckle. This gundam is a terror in hand-to-hand combat.
"Hot Ursus" Unit - This gundam is armed with the V-6 Shooter. This gundam is difficult to truly disable.
Zombie C - This war machine wields the Smiting Fang.
Gundam Tarantula - This war robot employs the Bone Fang. This machine is hard to ensnare or catch.
Typhoon Duelist - This robot carries the Murasame Typhoon and the Wind Attack.
Skull Gundam - This fighting robot carries the Impaling Smite.
"Thunder Neptune" Unit - This fighting robot uses the J-1 Water Charge. This war robot is resistant to electrical attacks.
Electrical Tyranosaur - This gundam fighter employs the Lighting Crushing Thunder. This machine is deadly in hand-to-hand combat and can adsorb electrical power.
Cyclone Gundam - This war robot is equipped with the Cyclone Typhoon and the Blowing Marianas Breeze. This fighting robot is made for undersea operations.
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