Science Fiction Tarot Card Generator

Tarot Cards - for an age of technology or an age to come!

Other generators you may like: Magitech Theotech Technomancy
Your Options:
Deuce of Wires
Two of Black Holes
Trio of Airplanes
Trio of Worlds
Nine of Screens
The King of Data Mining
One of Stars
The Artificer of Electricity
The Cleric of Repair
Six of Worlds
Trio of Novas
Two of Beakers
The Queen of Archeaology
Three of Cogs
The Programmer
Seven of Computers
The Nova
Seven of Klein Bottles
The Emerald Machine
The Knight of Education
The Astronaut of Spaceships
The Moon
The Clone of Holiness
The Emperor of Starships


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Seventh Sanctum™, the page of random generators.

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