Vampire Generator

Vampires. They're popular in romance, games, anime, comics, and more. This generator will give you several options of vampires, from handsome anime hunks to feral monstrosities. For a tamer vampire, select 'regular', for more exotic ones select 'anime' or 'monstrous.'

Your Options:
This wily male vampire has wide blue eyes that are like two chunks of lapis lazuli. His thick, wavy, black hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a flowing stream. He is tall and has a graceful build. His skin has an odd black cast to it. He has a high forehead and a weak chin. He can turn into living fog. He can enter the dreams of others. He doesn't suffer from standard vampiric disabilities. His diet is like that of classic vampires. He feeds not through his mouth, but via mouths in his palms.
This wise vampire has almond-shaped yellow eyes that are like two gold coins. His thick, straight, very short hair is the color of beyrl, and is worn in a bizarre style. He is tall and has a graceful build. His skin is ruddy. He can turn into a cloud of dust. He can enter the dreams of others. He has necromantic powers. He doesn't suffer from standard vampiric disabilities. He feeds on fear, not blood. His outfits are usually brown.
This seductive vampire has slanted blue eyes that are like two lagoons. His fine, curly, cherry red hair is very long and is worn in a handsome style. He is very short and has a broad-shouldered build. His skin is white. He has delicate ears and a wide chin. He has the standard vampiric disabilities. He feeds on sin. His outfits are simple.
This vain female vampire has beady obsidian eyes that cry blood instead of tears. Her luxurious, straight, ebony hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a bale of hay. She is very tall and has an elegant build. Her skin is light-colored. Her mouth is actually toothless. She has wings that are like shadowy tentacles. She can turn into a jaguar. She can phase through solid objects. She doesn't suffer from standard vampiric disabilities. Her diet requires blood of males. Her outfits are risque.
This wild vampire has beady red eyes that can extend on stalks. His white hair actually acts as a kind of sensory organ, like a cat's whiskers. He is very tall and has an elegant build. His skin is completely transparent. His body moves like it's boneless. He can detatch his body parts and command them at a distance. When exposed to human purity, he will sicken and die. His diet requires blood of any kind.
This lazy vampiress has round brown eyes that are like two tiger-eye gems. Her silky, straight, black hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a plume of smoke. She is tall and has a lean build. Her skin is tanned. She has a domed forehead and long-fingered hands. She can turn into a flock of bats. She can create illusions. She has the standard vampiric disabilities. She dresses like an assassin.
This aloof vampire has large red eyes that bulge out inhumanly. His black hair is more a set of spines than anything else. He has a masculine build. His skin has an odd yellow cast to it. His feet have claw-like nails. He has strange, seductive powers. When exposed to holy objects, he will disintegrate. He feeds on sin.
This soulful vampiress has narrow gray eyes. Her thick, wavy, midnight black hair is medium-length and is worn in an uncomplicated, dignified style. She has a plump build. Her skin is light-colored. She has a strong chin. She can create illusions. She can be killed by destroying her internal organs. Her attractive outfits are usually bone-white.
This solem vampire has deep-set red eyes that are like two setting suns. His yellow hair functions as another limb. He is very tall and has a wide-chested build. His skin is china-white, and is inhumanly hairy. He has wide feet. He can turn into a swarm of butterflies. He can teleport from place to place. He cannot cross running water. His diet requires blood of males.
This mysterious vampiress has wide brown eyes that are like two tiger-eye gems. Her thick, straight, black hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a flowing cape. She has an angular build. Her skin is tanned. She has bushy eyebrows and large hands. She can turn into a fox. She can turn into a whirlwind. She can control the minds of the weak-willed. She has the standard vampiric disabilities. Her outfits are usually aquamarine.


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