Elf Name Generator

Generates names for fantasy-style elves, in several styles. 'Full Name' gives you first and last names, 'High Elves' are more Tolkeinesque, and 'Wild Elves' are more tribal/ElfQuest types.

Your Options:
Abagnoer Coldmask
Ahbian Hammercaster
Algaor Lashvictor
Anduab Windcutter
Atireht Sailortracer
Banuhnorn Lowroot
Basild Hottouch
Dassott Dawnfletcher
Etabbesd Dayvine
Hunuur Dewwhip
Idneah Weaselshooter
Lulodous Smilepacer
Narigudn Mousehunter
Nitudb Deertraveller
Pitarsais Pearlfang
Raganbeed Tailfletcher
Reraah Seasling
Sentodl Dancefang
Ubatasg Batslayer
Ullarr Tailwarrior


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