Brain Hurting Fanfic Pairer

In the mood for some odd fanfic pairings? This'll meet all your needs, and quite a few non-needs. All creations mentioned are copyright(c), trademarked(tm) and soforth their individual owners. No infringement on existing copyright is intended. Not responsible whatsoever for the results or any reactions they cause.

Your Options:
AJ Chegwidden (JAG)/Gordon Shumway (ALF)
Allison Cameron (House)/Thundarr the Barbarian
Black Bart/Helen (Homeward Bounders)
Brenda Walsh (Beverly Hills 90210)/Willow (BtVS)
Brock Sampson (Venture Brothers)/Jem Finch (To Kill A Mockingbird)
Bug (Crossing Jordan)/Admiral Ackbar (Star Wars)
Count Rugin (Princess Bride)/Hobbes (Calvin and Hobbes)
Dr. Zharkov (Flash Gordon)/Sam Lowry (Brazil)
Fat Tony (Simpsons)/Count D. (Petshop of Horrors)
Galahad (King Arthur)/Miranda Fontaine (PVP)
Gretchen (Donnie Darko)/Dr. Peter Grodin (Stargate Atlantis)
Jack (Lord of the Flies)/Stacy Rowe (Daria)
Jamie (Megas XLR)/Queen Beryl (Sailor Moon)
Penfold (Danger Mouse)/Tommy ("Livin' on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi)
Prior Walter (Angels in America)/Zach Young (Desperate Housewives)
Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)/Sienna (Phantom Brave)
Ralph Ross Lanyon (The Charioteer)/Stephen Maturin (Master and Commander)
Roland of Gilead (Dark Tower)/Anita Blake
Ross Villiers (Midsomer Murders)/Zack (Dark Angel)
Roux (Chocolat)/TJ Newton (The Man Who Fell To Earth)
The L-shaped block (Tetris)/Hakaider (Hakaider the Mechanical Violater)
Tinkerbell (Peter Pan)/Danny Ocean (Ocean's Eleven)
Typhoid Mary/Gaz (Full Monty)
Walter (Hellsing)/Lili von Shtupp (Blazing Saddles)
Zoe (Firefly)/Titus (Gormenghast)


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