Filk Challenge Generator

Challenges for filk song writers. All creations mentioned are copyright(c), trademarked(tm) and soforth their individual owners. No infringement on existing copyright is intended. Not responsible whatsoever for the results or any reactions they cause.

Your Options:
This Bluegrass/Heavy Metal song is about Violence in Arsenic and Old Lace.
This Blues song is about Bloating in American Beauty.
This Folk song is about Kingdom Hearts.
This Gospel song is about Roswell.
This Industrial song is about Ares (Hercules).
This Lounge song is about the cast of Song of Fire and Ice as tomb-robbers.
This Power Metal song is about Jodie Landon (Daria).
This Psychedelic song is about the cast of Muppets vacationing with the cast of Equilibrium.
This Punk/Rockabilly song is about the cast of indiana Jones fighting evil alongside the cast of Doctor Who.
This Rap song is about Tumnus the Faun (Chronicles of Narnia) and ribs.
This Rap/Merengue song is about Wisdom in The O.C..
This Rockabilly song is about the cast of Titanic as bounty hunters.
This Soft Rock song is about Chewbacca arguing with a heroine.
This Soft Rock/Power Metal song is about the cast of Superboy as dwarves.
This Surf/Rasta song is about Flying in Tale of Two Cities.


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Seventh Sanctum(tm) and its contents are copyright (c) 2013 by Steven Savage except where otherwise noted. No infringement or claim on any copyrighted material is intended. Code provided in these pages is free for all to use as long as the author and this website are credited. No guarantees whatsoever are made regarding these generators or their contents.


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