Harry Potter Character Generator

Detailed descriptions of Hogwarts-based characters for fanfic, fanart, and gaming.

Harry Potter is copyright J.K. Rowlings. HARRY POTTER, characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of Warner Bros. TM and (c) 2005.

Your Options:
This girl is a Slytherin, and reminds you of a busy bee. She has slanted black eyes. Her silky, straight, charcoal-colored hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a lion's mane. She is short and has a wide-hipped build. Her skin is dark. She has bushy eyebrows and wide feet. Her very long wand is blocky, made of fir, and has a core made of kraken shell.
This guy is a Ravenclaw, and makes you think of a clock that can't keep proper time. He has wide gray eyes that are like two pools of mercury. His fine, curly, brown hair is very long and is worn in a carefully-crafted style. He's got a beard and moustache. He is tall and has a plump build. His skin is china-white. His wand is detailed, made of alderwood, and has a core made of dragon sinew.
This lady is a Ravenclaw, and reminds you of a dangerous bird of prey. She has narrow sapphire eyes. Her thick, straight, neck-length hair is the color of ivory, and is worn in a bizarre, artistic style. She is very tall and has a wasp-waisted build. Her skin is white. Her wand is thick, made of birch, and has a core made of unicorn mane. Her favorite area of study is Defense Against the Dark Arts.
This enthusiastic gentleman is a Hufflepuff. He has droopy brown eyes that are like two bronze coins. His luxurious, wavy, very long hair is the color of fresh blood, and is worn in an artistic, severe style. His skin is cream-colored. He has an elegant nose and bushy eyebrows. His wand is oddly-formed, made of elm, and has a core made of griffin tail hair.
This lady is a Slytherin, and makes you think of a loyal dog. She has narrow emerald eyes. Her thick, wavy, gray hair is very short and is worn in an utilitarian style. She is tall and has a thin build. Her skin is tanned. Her unusually short wand is detailed, made of poplar, and has a core made of phoenix bone. She is incompetent when it comes to Charms.
This serious guy is a Gryffindor. He has large brown eyes. His silky, wavy, yellow hair is medium-length and is worn in a weird, handsome style. He's got a beard and moustache. He is short and has a boyish build. His skin is pale. He has a domed forehead. His wand is blocky, made of walnut, and has a core made of hippocampus mane. He is noteably bad when it comes to Divination.
This woman is a Ravenclaw, and makes you think of an industrious ant. She has large brown eyes that are like two bronze coins. Her luxurious, curly, jet black hair is neck-length and is worn in an uncomplicated, precise style. She is very short and has a leggy build. Her skin is cream-colored. Her short wand is hard-wearing, made of mahogany, and has a core made of griffin hone. Her favorite area of study is Herbology. Her parents were both wizards.
This girl is a Ravenclaw, and makes you think of a clever fox. She has droopy slate-gray eyes. Her luxurious, wavy, ebony hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a monk's cowl. She is very short and has an hourglass build. Her skin is deeply-tanned. Her wand is hard-wearing, made of oak, and has a core made of centaur tail hair. She is exceptionally good when it comes to the History of Magic. Her parents were both muggles, but both had wizards in their family line.
This guy is a Ravenclaw, and makes you think of an elegant dragonfly. He has narrow blue eyes that are like two windows on the afternoon sky. His fine, straight, yellow hair is worn in a style that reminds you of the petals of a flower. He is tall and has an athletic build. His skin is pale. His wand is detailed, made of spruce, and has a core made of kraken heartstring. He is noteably bad when it comes to Astronomy. His school career includes playing Quiddich, as a Beater, and he was pretty good at it.
This compassionate gentleman is a Gryffindor. He has beady brown eyes that are like two drops of chocolate. His thick, curly, black hair is neck-length and is worn in an impractacal, handsome style. His skin is ruddy. He has high cheekbones. His unusually long wand is thin, made of juniper, and has a core made of salamander claw.


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