Harry Potter Story Title Generator

Story titles in the 'Harry Potter' style - with options to choose the main character or other members of the cast, and silly or nonsilly titles.

Harry Potter is copyright J.K. Rowlings. HARRY POTTER, characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of Warner Bros. TM and (c) 2005.

Your Options:
Harry Potter and the Acid of Transformation
Harry Potter and the Armor of Mu
Harry Potter and the Betrayer of Agony
Harry Potter and the Bone of Hogsmeade
Harry Potter and the Cold of Lemuria
Harry Potter and the Diviner of Flame
Harry Potter and the Drake of Time
Harry Potter and the Famous Trident
Harry Potter and the Hellish Forever
Harry Potter and the Magic Blackness
Harry Potter and the Spy of Hufflepuff
Harry Potter and the Time of Shangri-La
Harry Potter and the Unicorn of Agony
Harry Potter and the Wise Astrologer
Harry Potter and the Witch of Transformation


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